
By Farmerboab

Bringing Power to the people......

Sent Kev off hauling wheat bales home ,then headed next door to have a mini rodeo with wee brother and try and sort out some cows and calves. The calves need their official tags before they are 21 days old,but by this age they and their mothers can take off across the field at a fair speed.
Managed to get some done,the rest can wait till another day.
After lunch,headed down the road to feed heifers then went to check the barley straw at Oxenfoord.
Back home ,onto the tractor and another half hour trundle back down the road to bale..
The field I was in had a huge pylon in the corner, thought it made an interesting blip for a change.
In extras,this wee bridge crosses the Tyne. It's a long way to go until the water reaches Newcastle.....

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