A different view

Hairdresser's this morning, but what a chore getting there and back.  There are some roadworks, with lights, which are fairly close to a crossroads, with lights.  Of course when the crossroads lights were at red there was a queue of traffic which caused a backlog through the roadworks, meaning no-one could move.

There seem to be roadworks everywhere this week and I think JJ will have had to make a considerable detour to pick up Liam and get him to golf today, and then do it in reverse.

I was just getting lunch when two door's down alarm went off and L asked if I'd go and sort it out for her.  Turns out she hadn't closed the back door properly, which set off the alarm.  It did give me chance to see how their new kitchen is progressing.  Nearly finished.

Washing out, dried and ironed, and a few bits got out for packing tomorrow.

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