Look for it

I took some nice pictures of a blue flower this morning but I am not used to seeing crows on the ground in my garden. This one walked along part of the path a few times. Maybe it dropped a Cheeto down there and was looking for it? 

Great news - our hot water heater has lasted for 24 years. It was definitely one of those “stop fiddling with it to prove it has problems” moment. Nothing horrible has happened and we’re getting a new one tomorrow to make sure nothing horrible does happen. Good thing we didn’t spend four thousand dollars on the shower door. (How? Who? Seriously? It isn’t like it is a mega-yacht.) 

Drone strikes hit at least SIX Russian cities overnight. The drones forced some of Russia’s biggest airports to halt operations and left soldiers firing with small arms. Although Ukraine has not claimed responsibility, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense released a message: “Did you know that Pskov Airport is named after Kyivan Princess Olha? Oh, what a spectacularly vengeful woman she was!”

I saw in an article that Wagner members were vowing revenge but I didn’t see it reported anywhere else so I didn’t put it here. Now I see Newsweek has an article saying it too. 

One of the Russian groups fighting for Ukraine is encouraging Wagner fighters to join them. "To take revenge you need to switch to Ukraine's side," Kapustin said, urging Wagner Group members who "have not committed war crimes" to "join our ranks."

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