Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Don't go breaking my heart

Another garden-related day today.  I bought a fence post to put on the garage wall so I can expand the area where the espaliered apple tree grows and after looking in Homebase (£25) went to the local timber yard where I got it for £6.  Then off to the nursery where we got a yew to replace one in the front hedge that had died, a couple of bags of potting compost and six bags of well rotted farmyard manure.  The car now smells rather ripe.

I spotted these cacti (succulents?) in the nursery and thought they were quite fun.  Not sure whether they retain the shape as they grow; perhaps I ought to buy one to find out!  There were a couple of other plants we wanted that we couldn't find; a Salvia 'Hotlips' and a couple of specific Clematis plants we want for the trellis I put up last week so W has ordered them online from the RHS.

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