4 Wheel Driving

Son C went abseiling with one of his teachers today, so since it was a cool, overcast day outside, Farmerboy decided to go on a blip expedition - via the Gowan, into Lake Rotorua, and home via the Braeburn track.

There wasn't a lot happening at the Lake, although there were lots of vehicles and boat trailers there, indicating that quite a few people had gone boating today, probably up to the head of the Lake. There were quite a few black swans on the lake, and I took some photos of them, but I've instead decided to blip this photo of Farmerboy 'hooning' through a ford, ( or 'waterway' as they seem to be signposted as now), through the Braeburn Track. There were 5 or 6 of these fords to go through along the track. When there has been heavy rain, the gentle stream of water that can be seen in my photo, almost becomes a river, and the track is closed until the water has receded. At the end of this track is the Tutaki Valley, which is one of the 3 valleys that make up the Murchison area.

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