
By FarmerGirl

Wet, cold and hungry

It has been another wet and cold day today, although we have had the odd patch of fine weather - just enough to go for a wonder around the farm to try and find today's blip photo.

This photo shows a Weka, more commonly known as the Woodhen. I saw it darting under a fence, going from paddock to paddock, I presume in an attempt to find something for tea.

This particular Weka is a the Western Weka (Gallirallus australis australis). It is found mainly in the northern and western regions of the South Island from Nelson to Fiordland. Distinguished by dark red-brown and black streaking on the breast, the Western Weka has two distinct colour phases, that of the southernmost range showing a greater degree of black.

I was delighted to find out this morning that my photo from yesterday made Spotlight. This is the second time this week that I have achieved this, and wish to thank everyone for their positive comments and best wishes.

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