A back-blip: a quiet minute to look out westwards over the sea, after a busy day with the grandkids.
One of the benefits of being away in a large group together is that we can share out the cooking. Today was my day to do the evening meal.
Luca had a bit of a meltdown in the morning, and - looking for a way to cheer him up - I asked him to help me make a lemon polenta cake for dessert. He's a real enthusiast in the kitchen; he's also a bit quick off the mark sometimes. At one point he ended up standing in a slithery pool of raw egg, when he got ahead of me with cracking them and I failed to get the bowl in the right position under his hand. It all came together in the end and he was delighted to present the cake to everyone at teatime.
Later I spent the afternoon making potato and spinach curry, dhal and rice for the main course.
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