
well that is interesting

I think it is the fox

the moon this morning was insanely huge but I sometimes have found that a moon or a sun will seen enormous to me and look ordinary size in the pictures. The moon looked ordinary size in my morning pictures. 

I had heard of the blue moon but I didn't pay attention and thus wasn't prepared but in real life it was gigantic.

To show you what it really looked like, I'd have to fake it. 

We have a new water heater. It took hours to install. It has an overflow thingie which is required by code. It is not energy efficient. I guess this is what happens when you don't pick the water heater yourself but get someone to install it the next day because it could blow at any time please stop jiggling it to prove it to me I believe you already. 

After lots of negative coverage about how Ukraine's gains aren't impressive enough, Ukraine pierced Russia's main defensive line in the southeast. Sometimes people and their expectations. You aren't expected to last more than three days. You do. You survive over 500 days. You take back bunches of your territory against what everyone thought was a vastly superior force. Then you aren't winning fast enough. 

Russia doesn't have soldiers who are allowed or able to make decisions on their own so leaders are having to go out to the field, which makes them vulnerable. They are visible from afar by their uniforms and boots. If you kill a small unit leader you mess up the whole unit. One of the Ukrainian female snipers is nicknamed Cuckoo. The nickname was first used by Finnish snipers fighting Russians in 1939 for the bird's ability to disguise itself.

The drone attack in Russia? They apparently lost four cargo jets. Two were only "moderately" damaged but it will still take months to fix them. That same night there were attacks in six other cities.  

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