
By JanetH

A day in Liverpool

Friday 1st September 2023 - September! Nooo, it can't be!

A day out with J today. We got the train in to Liverpool and went to the Bluecoats Art Centre. Not only were we visiting one of the Biennial Arts Festival exhibits but the history of the building itself was fascinating - it  is the oldest in Liverpool and used to be a school. 

We then walked along to explore the street art in the Baltic triangle and enjoyed lunch at the Baltic Street Food Market. After lunch, we walked down and round the docks. As it was a nice day we decided to go on the Liverpool wheel. The view over the docks and the Mersey was fantastic. Of course, we then had to finish with an ice cream before catching a train home. 

I really couldn't decide on one photo to represent the day.. 

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