September 1

It's hard to believe that it is the first of September. After lunch today, I was puttering more than working. I spotted this spider on his web so I went to get my camera.
The crew worked hard this morning, they weeded and edged some garden beds and spread 60 bags of mulch, the equivalent of 4 yards. By the time everything was cleaned up, it was lunch time. Everyone enjoyed it. Then they worked for an hour. The girls all gathered in one small area so they could chatter. They were working though, and actually dug out a lot of roots of some creeping bellflower that was there, so I left them. It was the last day for 3 of them. I'm going to miss them, it's going to be much quieter on Tuesday.
I have a friend coming with me for a day trip tomorrow. We are headed to Liverpool so we can walk thru the trails at Cosby's Concrete Creations and see if he has added anything new this year.

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