
By Tryfan46

A different view of the allotment

Not inspired today. (Mind you there are those who say much of what I post is not inspiring!)

Haircut this morning and a few chores in town followed by an afternoon at the allotment before going to the gym later. Potted up some chilli peppers and tomatoes at home.

Planted out runner beans, courgettes, chard and squash, sowed swede and weeded beetroot. Harvested yet more rhubarb. Find I have no space for dwarf french beans, what a calamity. I do have space for celeric which will be ready to go in soon.

In this view you can see the strawberry bed, which is doing quite well. The large roll of yellow piping will be used next week to make hoops to hold up the net over the bed. Parsnips to the right and potatoes to the left. Things seem to be growing well despite the cool, strong wind and the ever present attention of weeds - especially the mares tails.

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