Ivy Visitors 2

The top of the ivy league today, the central image, is the ivy bee. This species was only described as new to science in 1993 and first recorded in the UK in 2001. It is now widespread along most of the south coast, south Wales and East Anglia, and extending its range steadily northwards. They're the last solitary bees of the year and appear at the end of August/beginning of September. Ivy is their main food resource.

Until I shot the ivy bee the green Nigma walckenaeri mesh-weaver spider was going to get the top spot. It's a resident on the ivy not a visitor. I've also included a batman hoverfly, a ladybird, a velvet mite, a silver y moth, a thick-legged hoverfly and a pellucid fly. I don't know what the insect in the central bottom position is.

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