Place: Greenville, SC 64/89
Main activity: Sun - jog, lawn, kitchen
Notes: Woke at 7a on the dot and headed out for a short jog @ 64 deg! Was lovely and body felt ok. Took awhile to water the grass (the little maple next door is starting to turn) then all the way around. Quick rinse and coffee(s) made, started watching the CBS Sun Morning Show. Kathy wanted food (egg, avo, tomato on bagel w/ avo mayo) and then and once I got all cleaned up, she wanted me to cook an additional egg for Lizzy (she doesn't ever seem to eat these) - and was in the middle of making breadcrumbs for the chicken meatloaf recipe and gathering all ingred's for that. Made the egg, Lizzy hardly ate any (as usual). Continued in kitchen cooking Lizzy chicken gizzards and livers, prepped the broccoli to roast, made the chicken meatloaf (has sun-dried tomatoes and goat cheese). Once the meatloaf went in the oven, also put walnuts to roast and the candied pecans I'd mixed up. Busy day, busier than I'd wanted but is helping pass the time. Kathy somewhat depressed and I'm having a bit harder time with everything - ready for some time back to myself and my own schedule. Meal was good, Kathy got on the phone and didn't eat until 2 hrs later. 5p shower, heard from Eric (Largo neighbor) - he met new owner of 1403 under me & she's going to use it as a rental. Not a great day and more weird stuff from Kathy later. She was suddenly up and saying the place seemed chaotic and she needed to clean up. Then just seemed to be on another planet. Later she mentioned she felt like she had turned into her mom for a bit. Seems to be a lot going on!

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