
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 77/92
Main activity: Tues - Library x2, UPS Store, bank
Notes: Up and talked to Jo on Signal for a good hour or so first thing ... she'd had another very rough go w/ docs and eyes. Headed to library then to print Amazon return labels for the power stations I'm returning (3!). Got back and realized I needed the 2nd page on some and that I'd go ahead and print the 3rd one and decide later so turned right around and went back - yucky wet grass on my feet and flip flops! Packaged the boxes then and headed to UPS Store - returned all 3 and the extra stainless utensils I didn't want, felt like a lot but was good! Did a cash deposit at the bank on the way back to pay on some of my cc's. Online for awhile with late coffee and then went to pool - blazing hot sun mixed w/ thick clouds (got a bit of better sun today). Back and fixed the SpeakOUT website and more online. Later ate eggs w/ duck bacon (better today!) and the remaining 2 hot dogs wrapped in carnivore pancakes like bread w/ ketchup & mustard! Quite good! More work then, created a new video for BranchOUT Facebook/Instagram post and scheduled for tomorrow. Call/Zoom w/ Susan was supp to be 2p but her last call ran over and was closer to 3p. Have several new projects to create by the end of the week. Started those right away and got quite a bit done quickly as wonderful big rainstorm came in! Shower came after 5p

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