Looking back

I took the kayak out on the other long pond... the one I blipped the other day.. I had been eyeing this as a fun spot to get out in and look back at the road.
I dropped my kayak off and then drove up to park at the little elementary school then walked back down. I almost gave up because it was so hard to find a spot to put the kayak in. It is all surrounded by grasses and cattails. I finally found one little area where the water came up to the edge. I sort of shoved my kayak in and carefully stepped in. I was wondering if I'd take a spill but I managed with just one shoe wet.
It was nice to paddle around. I think my favorite moment, always, is when I first sit down and smoothly glide off. Today it was a bit of pushing though the grasses but it went pretty smoothly. I was a little concerned about getting out but again was able to manage with just the same shoe getting wet.
I'm glad I did it and it was pretty and the breeze felt nice today. The pond really isn't very big, though, and with it being so hard to put in, I probably won't make this a go to spot.

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