The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

China City Blues

V sent me this photo from her phone. Her new flat overlooks the high street. Today, most of her furniture was delivered. Most of it came from a newly established group that helps women who have escaped from difficult situations/relationships. As she moved last month to a rented flat that she turned out to be very unhappy with, I am hoping for her sake that this new place will be a bit more permanent.

And me? Today? I went to teach my student S, I was late because of looking at family emails. After the lesson he gave me lunch. I was desperate to go home to have some me-time before Steve got home. I managed this, but my latest jigsaw is so large that I have had to order more puzzle boards and some stacking trays! 

Later I went downtown to meet my friend J. All the films at our cinema were showing for just £3 today. Because she is who she is, she chose Jurassic Park over Oppenheimer. Because I am who I am, I went along with this plan. Now I know better. There is a reason I didn't go to see this film when it came out 30 years ago. That reason still stands today. 

Ok, it's Spielberg and dinosaurs are not actually roaming the planet, and there's a few good messages in there about not f***ing bwith nature , but honestly, I'd prefer to watch Jaws again, or maybe a nice film about some middle aged women who join a book club. We had to go to the pub afterwards because I was still pumped with adrenaline. Mind you, a Wetherspoons pub on a Saturday night is not always the best place to go to calm down. We left before the furniture started flying, but not before the first fists were raised. 

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