The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

I finished it

I finished the hideous jigsaw! It has THREE pieces missing. As the box is bashed, I reckon it's for the bin..

Surprise phone call from the Wild Hogs rescue centre today regarding my raffle ticket purchase. It turns out that I am the lucky winner of....wait for it....a knitted rabbit!  My sister K has reminded me that one of my first childhood toys was a green knitted bunny with white paws, made for me by my grandmother Bimbi. His name was Bunny. Imagine, said K, if the rabbit you won tuned out to be exactly the same, white paws and all! I imagine, said I, that I'd think I was in a TV series if something like that happened. Either that, or the spirit of Bimbi was walking the earth. 

I gave Bunny to my first boyfriend when we split up, forty years ago. As he has since emigrated to Australia, got married and had kids, that Bunny has long since vanished. As has Morag, K's knitted doll, the companion toy to Bunny,  also courtesy of Bimbi.

The new knitted rabbit will be delivered to my colleague's house on the other side of Stroud st the weekend (she lives nearer to the deliverer). We shall see what the new creature looks like. We looked up some patterns on the internet and found a strange SpongeBob- shaped rabbit. Now my knitting is awful, but I reckon even I could knit a square rabbit! 

I wonder who won the wine tasting tour. 

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