More photos

We began the UV photo shoot at 11 pm. It took them THREE HOURS to do makeup. That said, it was amazing. I was able to do it with the lenses I had. I brought a prism lens that gave me insane SOOC effects. We did motion shots with some toy light up swords I brought and that worked beautifully. She is an extraordinary model. She actually is a model and a former social media star and an activist and a mother of three. She also desperately needs work. 

At 11, when they weren’t done, I contacted the person I was shooting this morning. I had asked him to meet at 7 am for the light. Now I asked to postpone until 8:30. This morning when I woke up at 7 am I was so very, very glad I did.

The drive home was easier than the drive there because it was the middle of the holiday weekend, not the start to one. 

I’ve spent the evening trying to upload all the pictures to online accounts so the subjects can access their pictures. I have done it, but my computer doesn’t have a built in SD slot and the dongle is not secure enough to make the process seamless. 

No news, I’m sorry. I hope you have a good Monday, whether you have it off or not, whether it is mercilessly hot or not. 

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