Choose Joy

By Energia

My collage

This is my room. We got to Windhoek with plenty of time to check in, but we had some drama doing that. Then the “masterclass” was at a completely different hotel but they started late so we missed nothing.

VERY interesting information. 

Not necessarily promising, green hydrogen is very inefficient. It takes an incredible amount of electricity to produce hydrogen, electricity that could be much better used for other development purposes, and it could be better used in terms of reducing climate change. Years ago people were arguing that it was useful to “store” renewable energy but the prices of batteries keep falling, so it only makes sense to “store” it this way if you need to store it for a long time. Even with outstanding renewable energy resource green hydrogen could only compete if governments (Europe) decide they wanted to MAKE it competitive.  That said, if you have EXCESS electricity - your systems are producing more than people are using - then the electricity would other wise be wasted and then it makes sense.

Very much looking forward to what I learn tomorrow. 

“ Pennsylvanians strongly support the United States remaining in NATO and sending military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, a new survey has found.”

Michael Velychko, 30, lives on a little farm with his two brothers in Ukraine. Men can’t leave the country because of rules passed after the re invasion. His paintings will be showcased in Essex to raise money for Ukrainian Humanitarian Aid.

Joshua Cabral is a Canadian with a Ukrainian grandmother. Since March, Cabral has been volunteering with the Magic Food Army — a Ukrainian charitable organization that prepares meals for the soldiers on the front line. ”Ukrainian chef and restaurateur Ievgen "Zhenya" Mykhailenko founded the Magic Food Army with his wife Mary. At this point in the conflict, Mykhailenko says his organization is preparing tens of thousands of meals per month and taking them to soldiers in front-line areas — including in the Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Donbas regions.


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