
By Sonset25

Morning moon

Was up walking hound at 6.45 to beat the incoming heat.  Building noise commenced at 8am next door.

Noticed thus lovely moon while hanging washing out.  

Headed into town mid morning, the mercury was rising fast.  Had errands from one end of town to the other. 

Back home just before midday and it was feeling like a hot blanket.  Much cooler indoors.  Terrible noise of roof tiles being scraped off next door.  I had to shut windows to limit.  As I get older noise really disturbs me or maybe there's more loud noises than before, I cannot tell which is the case.  It's not musical noise which is fine.

It's going to be a cold dinner tonight of salads and spanokopittas.  Not to mention a late walk  for Kyro as it's still 25° in the shade.

Pleasant evening everyone, stay cool and hydrated.

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