At last: a peacock

I've waited a long time to see one in the garden this year so, although not the best photo, it is today's blip. It's sunning its wings on one of the black eyed susan flowers I grew from seed this year. I'm pleased with how they've done. 

I've also added an extra of the waning gibbous moon at 65.4% this morning. I didn't get to see the super full moon at the end of August and we're almost at the third quarter already. 

Good chat with my 4 friends as usual this morning. Exciting to think that, if all goes to plan, we'll not need to use zoom next week. Not long before we have time together. 

Quiet day today. I have apples to pick and deal with, some admin to do and thank you letters to write. Must try to make good use of my free time! 

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