At the doctors again

I only took one shot today, it’s one of the shrubs in the grounds at the health centre. It might be a pyracantha? I thought it looked good in the sunshine.
It was interesting seeing the doctor - a new one - he suggested I stop taking a medicine I’ve been taking for over 30 years, and another I’ve been taking for 12 years. And instead to treat myself through diet and supplements. I’m all for it - looking especially at the idea eating 30 different plants every week:)
In the afternoon a neighbour who went to uni in Covid times came round to catch up. I hadn’t seen her since Christmas - she’s now graduated with a first. I do marvel at a 70 year old being friends with a 23 year old, but that’s what we seem to be.
Sorry this is a bit boring but sometimes I just write things in my journal in order to remember them.

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