
By Beewriter

Tram Surfer

I went for a little mooch into town this afternoon, it was gloriously sunny and full of people. I'm always drawn to Piccadilly Gardens for photo opportunities and they were there in abundance. Children were playing in the water fountains and I took a few pics, the Starflyer was twirling in the sunshine so I took a few pics and Salford University Band were playing so I took some of them too. But it was this tram surfer who caught my eye as I walked back down Market Street.

The trams were packed with people, they were smudged up against the windows like cartoon characters. It must have been hell on board and so hot, as they stopped outside Debenhams there were hundreds more waiting and they squeezed into the carriages where they could. Parklife Festival is on in Heaton Park so I presume they were all on their way there. I was going to take a picture of the sardines but I was nearly knocked over by this surfer as he shot past clutching on to the tram. I took a quick pic as he whizzed round the bend narrowly missing the crowds.

I went straight to Ellen's from town and met up with her and Carole. We sat in the garden and had tea and scones and I waited eagerly for the arrival of her gardeners. I was so disappointed when it was just Ron who appeared through the garden gate. He was brown, but not bronzed. He was topless, but didn't have a six pack. He just wasn't Mellors in so many ways. Apparently he had gone off to the festival at Heaton Park too, so I will try to get him next Saturday.

It is Janette's birthday tomorrow and I had volunteered to go to the Trafford Centre to get the vouchers for her from all the girls. I've had weeks to go but I've left it until the last minute so I raced down late afternoon. Thankfully it wasn't busy so I was in and out in a flash. I did make a quick detour into Selfridges to buy the second Mr Benn print. Thank goodness I did as there was only one left in the limited edition series, only 500 had been printed and I bought number 499.

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