Early call

I woke at 6.30 to the sound of geese doing a fly past, not just one, but several. Noisy devils!!!!  I grabbed a coffee and went back to bed for another hour. When I got up I found that there were groups of Canada geese in the field across the way, wandering around following one another. There were about 80 in total. It was a real misty morning and super cool. 

I retrieved the Nikon and took some photos. The camera is B’s, I got rid of mine when we started to prepare to move as I hadn’t used it for years. We kept B’s in case we needed it. The blip is from the camera in my mobile phone as it is quicker than messing about with my laptop. 

I went to a new coffee morning / craft group at the United Reform Church in town. The craft group element started today and will be included on the first Wednesday of the month. It was a small but interesting group of ladies doing all sorts of crafts. I will certainly be going back to the next one. 

During the afternoon B and I assembled a floor standing cabinet for the downstairs loo. We bought it several weeks ago and we were busy with other things until now. It went together easily and will do the job. 

The mist and cloud cleared after lunch, and it was blue skies and warm. The geese had disappeared by the time I got back from town, but they did another noisy fly past early evening, heading north. 

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