
Or Hashbrowns with slices of turkey meat and provolone Cheese on top.
I loved this since I was a child and the great potato crop this year (one bag of organic potatoes from Trader Joe’s with maybe two pound of potatoes gave us more than 100 potatoes) calls for more meals based on potatoes.
My morning was spent in the kitchen, so I could prepare one other childhood remembrance thing: a plum tarte called “Zwetschgendatschi”. A silly name but a delightful piece of cake…
Next to all the preparations for the above mentioned foods, I made blackberry sirup from the last berries Don picked for this year. They looked nearly too beautiful to be mashed up into juice, but I have already enough marmalade for this year.

After lunch I “ran” to the gym so I could keep up my lane reservation.

And all this in-door-stuff was done while outside the sun is shining brightly, the sky is deep blue and a light breeze prevents the air from heating up too much. It couldn’t be a nicer day!

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