Place: Greenville, SC 65/91
Main activity: Thurs - TJs, CVS, around the house
Notes: Up thru the night w/ Lizzy again and Kathy was out w/ her and toddled all the way down the road past Domenika's (w/o her walker) - not smart and all and she needed some help getting back (what if I hadn't gotten up??). She could hardly make it to the couch before but says the meds aren't doing much and called the Reston office so they could call in another Rx. I started the day tired around 7a - headed out to water the lawn again. Got ready then, made K's coffee and left ~ 915a for TJs (called Ellen in St Pete and talked to her on the way) and then picked up the prescription on the way back (pic is where I've sat at the drive-thru waiting the last 2 days). Kitchen prep for the rest of the morning then after I had coffee. Talked to Joe then 1222p for 22 min - needing to vent today as I'm pretty much burnt out and over this. Huge storms in the evening, I was worried about hail and wasn't able to relax for awhile. Just as I was falling asleep, Lizzy came in b/c of the thunder. Was 2 hrs + trying to doze w/ her up and down, in and out and outside to pee when it quieted.  

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