
Hi everyone!

My Dad dragged me and Craig into the garden to help him clean up. For such a beautiful day, it was a really boring thing to do. I took a few pictures, and this is the best one. We gave up after just over an hour, and fled the house. We went on a long walk, and then visited my sister. Declan hasn't been around today - no idea where he is.......

I think tomorrow is supposed to be really sunny again! I don't know what I'm going to do, but I hope it stays nice!

Back to school on Monday, which I'm sort-of looking forward to. I think my timetable seems good, but I won't know the situation with Spanish until after the summer holidays. In the meantime, I'm just getting 'free periods' - where I don't have any scheduled classes. The way it works out, I only have 2 classes on Friday's instead of 4, so I might be allowed to go home early.....

Hope you have a good Sunday!

Steven :)

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