Starting S5

Hi everyone!

Tomorrow will be my first day back at school after exam leave, where I will officially be an S5 - one of the senior students! The last year has been crazy, and I'm excited for what lies ahead!

This is my new timetable, which I'm pretty happy with. I'll get my first photography lesson, which I hope will go well! I'm slight nervous now that everything's at higher level, and I also have a new English teacher, but I'm keeping optimistic!

Some of the more observant of you may have noticed there's a few blank spaces. That's where my Spanish would've been if it was going on. The school are trying to work out something with Dalkeith high school (Both schools are joined together), but they don't start their new timetables until after Summer, so I'll have to wait until then. In the meantime, I have free periods, which means I can basically do whatever I want (within the rules, obviously!) - I might even be allowed to go home early!

Hope you all have a good week!

Steven :)

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