
By ZE1Christie

Desert Sunrise

A beautiful sunny day, warm too.  Windy to calm.  We broke our warmest September temperature today, 22⁰c is now the official warmest.   

Woke at 4.30am with a terrible fever.  The fever finally burned out by midday.  Exhausted and sweaty the rest of the day.  I managed a walk in the afternoon, good to get some exercise and fresh air, also managed to disinfect the house too.  I'll try another walk with Sammy later.  Fingers crossed the worst of the covid is over now, and on the mend. 

After the fever started, I couldn't sleep well, waking every now and again, mostly with the cold shivers.  I woke just before 7am, and saw a golden glow behind the curtains, I had to investigate.  We do get beautiful sunrises here, but today it looked more like a desert sunrise, with that unusual golden glow in the air.  Taken from Hawthorn Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway.  

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