
One of the jobs on my list for the next couple of days is to decide which of the pictures that I took down from the hall before it was decorated I should put back and where. I’ve got a couple of days off to use up annual leave. However, it’s been too hot to do very much so they didn’t get done. I did manage to make a start on getting rid of some ivy that’s growing up the side of the garage, but only for an hour first thing while it was in the shade. I also got around to choosing a new energy tariff as my fixed term one has finally coming to an end. But the best deal atm is the standard variable rate so that’s what I’m on now. And I also renewed my car insurance, saving myself £200 - I haven’t really shopped around for a few years but a 30% price hike from Direct Line this year made me look around. Glad I did!

In the evening, I went to a friend’s house for a moving party. They are leaving the area so wanted to say goodbye to everyone. I shall miss her when she goes in a couple of weeks.

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