Journies at home

By journiesathome

The Bill Gate's series: Windows 3: the studio

So we had to wake up at some moment from the torpor of grief and a full-on summer and all that goes with keeping an extended family going.  

So we attacked the 'room'.  The space where everything we didn't know what to do with went.and has stayed, untouched like Miss Havisham and her wedding dress, for seven years.

I spent two days going through bags of my children's books and tumbled through the years we'd read them.  

I knew which ones we'd read on the rug under the oak tree in La Borde, propped up by moldy cushions which had wintered in the shed and the ones we'd read by the fire inside on winter evenings.

I took photos of the books we'd loved the most and sent them to the children via whatsapp.  Their replies didn't stop.  We'd woken up the past by opening old boxes

 I put the iconic books into a safe place and the others I set up on a bookshelf outside the moulin with a sign to passers by that they should help themselves

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