Journies at home

By journiesathome

The Bill Gates series: Windows 2: Pigeon

The beginning of the French school year is as frayed as the end of the school year.  You begin to wonder how the fabric can hold given the weakness of the loom.  

Back in London I'd have been in the assembly hall at 9 a;m with 30 kids in a line in front of me and another 200 in similar lines facing the stage where the head welcomed us all back into the raggedy family we'd spend the rest of the year being.

Here I make the most of a free Monday morning to get a yoga lesson in with Louise,  but regret the loss of that fraternity.

I climb the stairs to the top floor and realise I'm beat before I've unrolled my mat.  

On the chimney stack outside the window a pigeon watches us while Louise makes Elsa and I stretch and balance for an hour.   

We come out of savasana and I sit up blinking in the light and the bloody pigeon still hasn't moved.

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