Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Enjoyed a day with my good lady's family up in a very sunny Sunderland, our Grandson, who by all rights I should have blipped, is off to work at a summer Camp somewhere near Philadelphia next week & as it's his Birthday whilst he's away we decided to combine a leaving do into the celebrations. Some of the little people I'd never met before but (and this is where I fall down, for the life of me I cant quite remember this little chaps name) this photo took my fancy as he had an abundance of nearly two years old attitude, every time he fell over, off or on the cat, chickens, steps, other peoples legs, he would just pick himself up, smile then charge off to find something else he could trip over.
Its late, I'm tired (hence the memory loss) so I'll leave you with the rest of the Mackem's who have made the day special.

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