Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Return of the Little DareDevil

He's back! And he's led a legion of followers; up to nine at a time on the bird feeder! The starlings were wanting to have a go too, but I managed to stave off the starling infiltration techniques.

It's been fun watching them today! Wirihana South left for where she belongs, the South, this morning, so left me to fend for myself, alone and at the mercy of the DareDevils. Was great too! And I'm feeling way better, and even walking around the house, slowly and carefully, sans crutches! Unbelievable really. I suddenly noticed that that was what I was doing; it wasn't planned at all. So far so good. Am planning to keep on going carefully. I need to keep the DareDevils at bay!

Better in Large

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