Moving In Day

A long day today. We left home just after 530 to arrive in Warwick for 845. The lovely pointe shoe lady opened her shop early for us and kitted Katie out in a pile of dance stuff she needed because she'd outgrown Everything. 

We headed to Wells. Back to school nerves were beginning to kick in. I needed to sew her ribbons etc so I suggested she go for a walk to the Cathedral, to get her out of the hot car. She found out her friend was home so met her for a walk. It was just what she needed. She's not seen any of her friends all summer and it reminded her how happy she is with her people at school. 

We headed to her new house and I was able to spend a really good time properly settling her into her room. She's in a gorgeous wee room with one other. Their room is in a private annex with one other room next to it. It's away from the bustle and is going to be so much better for her. The video of the room made it look small and with very little storage but we got there to find it's a great size and much better storage than we feared. She spent most of the hour faffing with her board - it's one of the most important bits of her room. I unpacked her! 

She seemed quite content. We'd deliberately arrived before it got super busy, but timed it just right as her friends started arriving not long after we'd finished. I said goodbye to a happy girl. Her guardian arrived not too long after I'd gone. The girls are next door neighbours and thrilled about it. She headed off to find friends, sorted out the sports jumper that she needed from the uniform stall and all seemed quite chill. Girl did good. 

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