Art Walk Activism

This is Camille Aboudara, a visual artist, photographer and activist based in London but on the point of moving to Paris. She works with collage and text creating designs which are installed in place of advertising. She also leads workshops around poster-making, artivism and politics of public spaces and is the co-founder of London campaign group Adblock Lambeth, part of the national network Adfree Cities. She took us on a short walk around Portobello taking about advertising in public spaces and in particular the role of large-scale corporate advertising - the adverts of massive billboards and increasingly digital screens. She described the intrusive impact such adverts have on our lives and some of the things that can be done to challenge the assumption that we must have these things in our cities and there is nothing we can do. She mentioned Sao Paulo and Grenoble, cities which have taken action to ban adverts, at least on council owned sites. Inspiring activism.   

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