Listen Up!

That's a peculiar position to be in.

Oz was running his little liver & white legs off all day! He absolutely loves it in the garden & it's so sweet seeing him have such a great time. He was chasing up & down fetching his ball, & then when that went missing or was eaten, he used the tiniest scrap of tennis ball that he'd been keeping somewhere - it's difficult to throw but if it keeps him happy. I think he might have been playing with his 'bit' of ball in the above. He also got the green light to go in the lake, so he was paddling & panting his way around the lily pads too.

I went back to the ranch to help with the gardening & it was the perfect day for it. My task was to get strimming. And so with helmet & visor on, I went about strimming everything in sight. It really is quite fun, but my arms might ache a bit tomorrow. Mum looked after me with cups of tea too, so I could have gone all day.

Jenny returned back from London. She'd had a great time with her friend & was very much feeling the effects of excessive consumption of free drinks. She soldiered on though, & we even managed to build up the strength to order pizza & watch some of the tellybox.

Tomorrow we're off to visit my Grandad & Pam near Epsom, should be lovely. Jenny's making scones & scotch eggs, Lorraine Pascal recipes of course.


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