Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Early flight home. Mike collected us from the airport in his lunch break. Had to dash straight out to work as the main route into Barrow was closed with a massive diversion which was grid locked so poor Kerry was very delayed and wouldn't have got round everyone. 

Big cuddles from the kids when I got back. Me and Eva went down to see the horses and took Bud and Jack round the woods. Jack tanked off across the pig track naughty boy. Eva was a bit upset but I got round her by putting on a silly 'Jack voice' and saying 'I sorry, I gots excited and forgot myself '. He stopped as soon as he realised Buddy was not following (just not when Eva asked!) 

Had a really lovely time but it's good to be home. Not many more home comings to this house :0(

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