
A bit fresher but still very comfortable with going sleeveless.  

After breakfast headed to nearby post office to post present for my brother's birthday on Thursday.  Bought a very pale, almost white cyclamen.  Progressed to a home and garden store nearby.  Purchased a small plastic measuring jug my current one is yellowing and has lots of fork tracks inside.  It can be relegated to a plant jug.  

Also bought flat leaf parsley and mint plants both flourishing and a small basil plant.  Will probably put the parsley and mint in large pots. I need some copper tape to deter slugs and snails.

My main blip is a peculiar angel that the fox has brought into our garden.  In extras a left hand gardening glove and a dog toy.  In the past we've had a toy unicorn, a dog bowl for travelling, a small plastic bone dog toy and a sparkly owl soft toy.  Other neighbours either lose their shoes and gardening gloves or find someone's the garden. 

We've had some rain today and finally the temperature is dropping. 

Kyro's new bed arrived yesterday.  It was tightly rolled and squeezed into a bundle.  The company recommended leaving it laid out flat for 24 hours preferably in sunshine.  Why the sunshine I have no idea.  Anyway he seems to be lying on it without scrabbling at it.  Fingers crossed that continues.  

He's fine after his part 2 vaccination.  Not like part one which really slowed him down.  

Pleasant evening everyone.

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