Place: Greenville, SC 68/88
Main activity: Tues - Lizzy vet visit, around the house
Notes: Slept better and so did Lizzy. Kathy wanted to do a call in the morning but wasn't too long. Did step 2 of my licorice and put it in the fridge. Also, EVOO-massaged more kale (tho this Tuscan kale from TJs is pretty tough - they didn't have the one I like last time) Lizzy and I left 1030a for 11a appt at her vet for anal gland expression, fecal test, shot for itching and to have spot on her leg looked at. Got there about 10 min early and had to wait 30 more for them to get here - she was going stir crazy in the room. All went well tho and we got back right around noon. Underarms flaring again and tired hitting me so took a nice epsom bath. Eating window ~130-3p. Licorice seems a bit grainy and was more dry and thick than I expected, flavor ok but recipe needs a bit of tweaking. Started a 2nd batch. 

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