Place: Greenville, SC 67/88
Main activity: Mon - around the house, free!
Notes: Didn't sleep great thru the night after moving bedrooms to Kathy's so Lizzy's bed would fit. I woke up a lot and she moved around a lot, had puked on the floor and was puking on the bed first thing. Was SOOO nice to not have to have phone on and close by and then to only have to make one coffee in the morning when I was ready! More cleaning of various areas throughout the day but the house is just me and Lizzy! Cleaned both showers and went ahead and took mine after cleaning floors and more ... Meal also lovely to make what I wanted when I wanted it. Lizzy then ate after I cooked her some gizzards and mixed it in w/ her other stuff - she slept quite a bit thru the day. Did the first part of my black licorice recipe after I ate - this liquid will be refrigerated overnight and then I'll do the rest tomorrow. Fingers crossed it turns out and tastes good! Talked to Jo on Zoom from ~ 315-440p. Quiet night.

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