
By superrstine

A run and a BBQ

Two of the best things to do on a nice spring day!

Started my day to the sounds of a truck breaking apart my neighbors' driveway and backing up , beeping. That was fun. Went for the first run that I've been on in months and months. I should've started running again so much sooner considering the Color Run is coming up on July 7th and I have to be able to run 3 miles for it. I find that your body can handle whatever you want it to; it's just convincing your head to do it that's the hard part. I went to the track thinking I would run at least one mile, but when I got there I somehow convinced myself just to do three. It will be easier to do it again now that I did it once. Even though it was a nice slow run, I was able to run a mile and half, take a break, run another mile, take another break, and run a half mile. So I did it!! Here's to another good run sometime soon I hope.

After that, I went to Lauren's for her brother's High School graduation party. We played Kan Jam and beer pong and badminton and ate lots and lots of food. I even came home with enough food to feed me for a week!

I bought the medallions pictured right after the Boston bombings in April. Saucony was selling them and donating 100% of the proceeds to the One Fund in support of the victims of the bombings. They raised over $100,000 selling these lace medallions which is awesome. I bought five, one for each of my family members. I was surprised to see them delivered to the house yesterday and really excited that they're here. Now they'll be on my sneakers with me for every run I go on. A nice reminder to think of the people who were injured, many of whom may never be able to run again.

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