Grey Heron

I went up to the loch a little later today basing it more on how light it was outside rather than the time. When I got there, nothing was around but as I got further into the park the little female flew over from somewhere and landed in front of me. As I was feeding her the male flew across and was backlit by a beautiful red cloud! It would have made a great shot but I was feeding the little female at the time so just watched . I think you sometimes benefit from just looking and enjoying rather than scrambling for a camera. Anyhow I digress! The male landed on the dovecote and would not come down (afraid of the little female I think). I gave the little female a good half of what I had and made for the clearing. When I arrived the little female was waiting for me (so clever) and the male landed just far enough away from her so as not to annoy her. I split the remainder of the fish between them then made for home. Loads of crows again along with the gull family! They all got biscuits.

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