River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Acorns and Cosmos

Our little Oak tree is full of acorns again this year, they’re maturing quickly after all the sunshine and the rain.

The little orange Cosmos sulphurous “Polidor” (from last winter’s Seed Swap) less than six inches tall but so very beautiful and really tough and very welcome colour as we move from Summer into Autumn …

Not a very productive day: messed about on my family history and gave up with a headache :-((

Went out and emptied one of my big tubs I make “instant compost” in - throwing in dead plants, fallen leaves, dead twigs etc - let them soak in rainwater, when it rains then empty everything out to mix and return. When it’s turned mostly brown it gets emptied and spread on the deep beds - then the birds scratch around in it :-)

Took a couple of cuttings of Bardsey Daisy and Umbrella Plant - 

MrD on deliveries all day …

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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