The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Miserable PR shot

I had to submit a shot for PR to use this week. Emergency iPad photo was taken. I don't look particularly healthy or comfortable but I'm hoping that when they use if on the Internet no one will notice the wrinkles! Big launch is Tuesday morning, ITV and BBC are bringing cameras and a number of newspapers and radio stations are coming too. Start time has been moved to 7.30am to accommodate for breakfast show live broadcasts. I've never done this before, it's a bit daunting. I've had lots of good advice but when I get in front of the cameras I've no idea how I'm going to feel or respond! My script work is done, just need to commit my favourite sentences to memory so that they tumble from my tongue expertly!

Today. I woke at 8.30am!!! I know, that's the middle of the day! Walked, ate, Skype with you, mowed the lawn and cleaned the cars, ran out of fuel for the mower so abandoned it for watering duties. Shower and off with the girls to meet Zoe for a long walk at Sherwood Pines. Two hours later we had out the world to rights and felt fab. Tescos for mower fuel and home to finish the lawns. I have a Poussin in the oven with some asparagus and aubergine, accompanied by a glass of Jackson's Estate. Perfection.

And I have green feet. And grass across the kitchen floor. It reminds me of you. I miss you so much. 20

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