The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Funny old day

Went to bed at midnight.
Woke at 5.
Persuaded myself to go back to sleep.
Woke at 8.

Walked. Ate. Went to see some of my BTEC Y13 students perform at the Usher Gallery. They were awesome. Mooched in to town to pick up some stuff.

Bumped into a double march...protesting against the proposals for a mosque and marching in support of the mosque. Police everywhere, absolutely everywhere. Literally hundreds. And ambulances. And video surveillance. I was curious. i took this shot 'from the hip', hence the blur and random nature, but it sums up an hour that I spent watching twenty-something, predominantly white, males chanting different words to traditional football chants. I must admit, a ripple of giggles emerged from the police lines when they chanted - to the tune of "She'll be coming round the mountain" - "you can stick your f-in mosque up your arse". I don't agree, but their choice of language and quality of musical tone caused a great number of giggles!

Then. Shopped. Home. Talked to you. Felt sad and lonely.
Went to deliver the Trentsider.


Cried. Walked the dogs. Rang my Mum. Felt sorry for myself.
Emailed the Trentsider to tell them I no longer wish to deliver their magazine.

Poured a gin and tonic.
Forgot that I'm supposed to be a healthy human being.
And will continue to forget until tomorrow.

Wish you were here. The next three weeks feel like a lifetime.

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