
By Appreciation

Kanman-ga Fuchi Abyss

Along this scenic stretch of the Daiya-gawa, where white rapids swirl around the rocks, is a row of Jizo statues, the small stone effigies of the Buddhist protector of travellers and children. They wear red bibs to remind you they are hungry and for you to leave offerings of coins, a sushi california roll doesn't cut it.

Then onto the Tosho-gu shinty* shrine with half of the areas school children, who were very keen to practice their English.

A quick look at Shin-Kyo red footbridge then lunch at a robot cafe. A small robotic cat brought our order to the table.

Finally a bus up to the falls and the lake at Cheuzen-ji, site of this year's G7 summit. A 48 hairpin turn road took us up to 1300 feet, where the lake forms the centre of a volcanic crater.

*shinty shrine should be Shinto Shrine. But I'm leaving it. As pointed out in the comments, it's a great idea. I shall leave it with the Japanese, see what they think.

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