
By TonyG

Heavenly Blue

After a couple of failed attempts, I have managed to get flowers on Morning Glory this year.  Lots more buds to open yet, each blue silk flower lasting just one day.

A lazy start today.  Needed.  A bit of tidying and hoovering.  Needed.   Laundry .... you get the message!   After an early lunch, a sit down and a natter with Sue who was dropping some cooking apples off.  Then a short siesta.   Needed a long one but had to set off for Bangor where I was meeting the speakers in advance of tonight's North Wales AGS meeting.  A pub meal nearby before the talk, this group's first monthly meeting since before the pandemic.   A small group of stalwarts turned out but we have hopes of others returning and some new faces too over the next few months.

Driving home in the rain was not so bad as I almost had the roads to myself but it was a late return and I am working tomorrow.   Really looking forward to some time at home over the weekend.

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