Not dead yet
We have some house guests. For a month, while our neighbours are in Japan, we are responsible for these three terrified looking fish. Well, I say "we" but really it was TallGirl who volunteered - so if they die it's her fault. Helpfully, the dad concerned will be back first out of the family - so if anything 'bad' happens, we can get it all sorted out before Ch (the kid) is back.
Today was supposed to be a vide grenier day. But the pouring rain, with intermittant drizzle and (very) occasional bright spells put us off a bit. So, after an hour or so standing with endless cups of hot tea staring out of the kitchen window glumly, I bucked my ideas up, cleaned the kitchen and headed out to pick up some missing baking supplies to make it all messy with flour and eggs.
Nothing like a good baking day.
So, fortified by a quick lunchtime soda bread (forgot to go to the bread shop somehow), there followed chocolate caramel shortbread, chocolate cookies, chocolate cake (do you see a theme?), and fougasse (like French focaccia). This latter was pronounced delicious by TallGirl, and even CarbBoy - who despite his nickname is a bit bread-phobic, belonging very much to the 'let them eat brioche' school of thought - tried some and said it was nice. I think the oregano on the top might have made him doubtful - being greenish that smacks of health-food to him.
A call from Mr B brought an avalanche of not particularly good news. But I'm sure a slice of that chocolate caramel shortbread will have my mood on the up again...
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