Three slightly blurry poppies with those cute blue daisy thingummies in the background. I had to turn the green down on this as it was hurting my eyes a bit. I seem to get that a lot if I'm in taking photos in the garden just as the sun's going down/after. Hmmm.
The other trio - the fishy ones - are still alive (hurrah). Though this has been a rather traumatic day for them. Their tank was leaking which, though it wasn't serious apart from the damage it might do in a month to the wooden bench it was on, prompted me to email a fishy friend just to check. The news that the tank could go at any time prompted quick action... After a slightly traumatic (for all concerned) transfer process (they're very wriggly and jumpy aren't they) they are now in a large plastic tub, with gravel, their old (since yesterday) familiar water and all their little fish toys to play with/hide behind. Now I have to decide whether to leave them there or be a good neighbour and repair the tank. We shall see. Actually, the fish owners were still around today, but since they were dealing with the consequences of a cancelled flight to Frankfurt to start their journey to Japan, I thought I'd leave them be.
Now I am slowly sipping a glass of Cotes du Rhone in the hope that it will take the taste of fish water out of my mouth... I started taking the water out of the leaky tank with a home made syphon thing (yes I do mean a tube that I suck the water through) but it wasn't working so I just used a jug. I felt slightly grim about the (small) amounts of water swallowed when I saw just how much poo the fish produced in the interim box I put them in while I fished the gravel out into their proper temporary tank.... But still, no-one really properly cleans the poo out of prawns, do they? And they've never made me sick. Well, only a few times.
In other news, it poured all night and kept me awake. Then it poured all morning so I went back to bed. This afternoon has looked up - dry enough to get out and finally put canes in for the green beans and runner beans, and earth up the potatoes again (after last year's failure I think I'm obsessing a bit about the potatoes). And some slug snipping, after having been told years ago that a pair of scissors is the easiest way to kill them.
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